Steps to change the aspect ratio for the current session
Steps to change the default aspect ratio
The Video portal allows you to adjust the aspect ratio of the video stream to either stretch it to fill the whole screen area or keep the original aspect ratio of the camera but this could result in black lines either on the sides or on the top and bottom of the video player if the aspect ration of the camera does not match the dimensions of the player on screen. The aspect ratio can be changed per camera or for all cameras on the screen at any time or you can specify what the default aspect ratio of the cameras will be when you login into the video portal. You can set this either for a specific camera/cameras or for all the cameras. This parameter is per user, meaning that once you specify the default aspect ratio this is how you will see the cameras every time you log in to the video portal using the web portal from any device but this will affect only the current user and everyone else won't see this change.
Steps to change the aspect ratio for the current session
The camera aspect ratio can be stretched or kept default from the video portal for the current session using the aspect ratio icon found in the camera toolbar.
If the user has multiple cameras on the screen layout then the default aspect ratio can be changed for all the cameras using the change aspect ratio icon in the bottom toolbar.
Steps to change the default aspect ratio
To keep the specified aspect ratio as default after every login, the user can select the desired camera and the aspect ratio from the user profile menu.
Go to the Profile Menu from the Top toolbar. Then select "Preferences" from the menu.
Here users have 2 options
1. Default video resize mode: This will make all the cameras under the user with the selected mode the default setting. So, when a user logs off and logs in the system will have the same aspect ratio as before.
2. Video resize mode per camera: In this option, the user can decide how the aspect ratio should be set for the selected cameras, this will override the option 1 setting. To add a camera click on the "+" icon and select the desired camera and toggle between 'Fit' and 'Stretch'
Note: this will affect only the current user, each user can have different preferences.
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